What Coverage Does Your Business Need?
Small businesses and growing companies; industrial enterprises and hometown retailers; multiple stakeholders or family concerns – every business is open to some form of liability.
Plummer Insurance’s Commercial Team has the experience and expertise that it takes to shield you where you’re vulnerable. Every Industry has unique needs – tell us about your business and we can tailor-make a policy for you, shopping dozens of national insurance carriers to give you comprehensive coverage. Your business should stay your business; insuring it is our business.

What’s in a Standard Business Policy?
- Commercial Property Insurance
- General Liability Insurance
- Worker’s Compensation (Workman’s Comp)
- Benefits – Meet our team of dedicated Benefits specialists
Every day at work is a new opportunity – and a new opportunity for something to go wrong.
One of your employees is injured on the job, your company’s vehicle is involved in a serious accident, or a a problem customer names you in a lawsuit; if anything like this happens, a business insurance policy from Plummer Insurance can help you get back to work as soon as possible.
Commercial Property Insurance
Commercial Property Insurance is a blanket policy that protects your business’ building and the fixtures and possessions stored on premises when they are damaged or stolen in most situations. This can include tools, supplies, computers and inventory within specified limits.
General Liability Insurance
Along with property insurance, General Liability forms the backbone of any Business Owner’s policy and is essential in the event of a lawsuit, no matter how prepared you are. Read more.
Worker’s Comp
Your employees are one of your most important assets. Keeping them protected is essential to keeping your business going. Read More
Business Specialties
Is your business a Farm/Ranch or Trucking Business? We have teams of agents specializing in your fields – Contact them today!
Once your Business is insured, talk to one of our Benefits Specialists to see what kind of compensation packages you could offer!
Group Captive Insurance
You’re at the top of your field – why not take charge of your own Business Insurance? Groups are made up of businesses in similar industries, with similar risk profiles who effectively own and operate their own insurance company, allowing them ultimate customization and a share in potential profits.
Our Commercial Insurance Team has decades of Business Insurance experience with companies large and small. No matter your area of expertise, we are the Shield in your Field

Coverage Types
- General Liability Insurance
- Group Captive Insurance
- Commercial Property Insurance
- Commercial Auto Insurance
- Contractor Insurance
- Worker’s Compensation Insurance
- Commercial Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance
- Mobile Equipment Insurance (Inland Marine)
- Bonds
- Farm and Ranch Insurance
- Commercial Trucker/Semi Insurance
- Employee Benefits
- Cyber Security
Business Insurance in Scottsbluff, NE and surrounding area.
Business Insurance in Sidney, NE, Sterling, CO and surrounding area.
Business Insurance in Fort Collins, CO; Weld County, and surrounding areas.
Business Insurance in Ogalalla, NE, Deuel County and surrounding areas.
Business Insurance in Kimball, NE, Pine Bluffs, WY and surrounding areas.
Business Insurance in Mitchell, NE, Torrington, WY and surrounding areas.
Reducing Your Risks for Workers’ Compensation: 5 Key Strategies
Workers’ compensation claims are a reality for many businesses, but the risks associated with them don’t have to derail your operations. Proactively minimizing workplace risks … Read more
When NOT Filing an Insurance Claim Might Be Your Best Strategy
Filing an insurance claim seems like the natural course of action when something goes wrong, whether it’s damage to your home, your business, or other … Read more
Don’t Overlook These Key Risk Exposures in Trucking and Transportation
Trucking, transportation, and logistics businesses are the backbone of supply chains, ensuring goods are moved efficiently from Point A to Point B. While owners, fleet … Read more
Benefits, Life & Health
Our Benefits team can help keep your employees in good health – and peace of mind.
Agricultural insurance
Shield your yield with our team of Crop, Farm, and Livestock experts.
Compare Home, Auto, and renter’s insurance rates
Shop multiple insurers in just a few clicks of your mouse with our online rate comparison tool.
Protect your property with a Home, Auto, or Renter’s Policy.
We are transportation insurance experts, because you can’t stop keeping America moving.
Looking for More?
See what else we offer or get in touch to request more info.
Start your new policy or shoot us over any questions you might have by filling out the form on this page, and an agent will be in touch with you soon.
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